A three-day regional cross-border meeting on the Mpox epidemic is currently underway in Takoradi, Western Region, Ghana.
The meeting brings together stakeholders from Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire to discuss strategies for preventing and responding to the Mpox outbreak, as well as other diseases with epidemic potential.
The West African region has faced numerous public health challenges, including infectious disease outbreaks like Ebola, Lassa fever, measles, and COVID-19, which often transcend national borders.
This highlights the importance of cross-border collaboration in disease surveillance and response.
Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire share common borders, facilitating the movement of people, goods, and animals across these boundaries.
However, this proximity also increases the risk of infectious diseases spreading rapidly across borders, emphasizing the need for coordinated and collaborative approaches to disease surveillance.
Epidemiological data indicate the evolution of Mpox, as well as other public health events like meningitis, dengue fever, and cholera, in cross-border health districts.
Common challenges in these areas include insecurity, delayed test results, insufficient logistics, and limited treatment options.
To address these challenges, the World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations (IHR) emphasize the importance of cross-border collaboration to prevent the international spread of diseases.
By pooling resources and expertise, Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire can optimize their efforts in disease surveillance, ensuring more comprehensive coverage and quicker responses to potential outbreaks.
Dr. Kwame Amponsah-Achiano, Head of Disease Control and Program Manager at the Ghana Health Service, stressed the significance of collaboration and knowledge sharing between the two countries.
He emphasized the need to analyze the epidemiological situation in both countries, share experiences, and develop a robust joint action plan.
“It is imperative that we work together to analyse the epidemic situation in both Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, share our experiences, and develop a robust joint action plan.
“Over these couple of days, we are engaging and will continue to engage in fruitful discussions aimed at achieving several specific objectives. We are analysing the current epidemiological landscape of priority diseases in our respective countries, presenting and discussing the evolution of various epidemics, and assessing their impact on public health and the risks faced by the ECOWAS region,” he said.
According to him, “we have the invaluable and rare opportunity to share experiences in the management of Mpox cases, identifying best practices and common challenges that we must address collectively.”
Dr. Virgil Lokossou of the West African Health Organization (WAHO) also highlighted the importance of strengthening national epidemiological surveillance and response systems, particularly in cross-border areas.
WAHO aims to initiate a cross-border meeting in San Pedro, Côte d’Ivoire, to foster regional health security and safeguard the well-being of populations in both countries
By Ebenezer Atiemo
The post Health authorities in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire hold dialogue on Mpox epidemic first appeared on 3News.
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