Convener of Fixthecountry Movement Oliver Barker-Vormawor has been slapped with a cost of ten thousand cedis after the Accra High Court dismissed his application to struck out the defamation suit filed against him by the National Security Minister Kan Dapaah.
The Court held that his application lacked merit.
Counsel for Mr Dapaah prayed the Court for a 20,000 cedis cost against Mr Barker-Vormawor, but the Court declined and awarded 10 thousand cedis against the defendant.
Mr Barker-Vormawor in his application urging the courts to dismiss the ten million cedis defamation suit against him argued that Mr Kan Dapaah exaggerated in his application by using words like bribe or bribery and the removal of those words from the Plaintiff’s Statement of Claims will mean an absence of no case for defamation to claim.
The National Security Minister sued Mr. Barker-Vormawor following his allegations that Mr Dapaah offered him one million dollars in an attempt to get him to stop his activism.
The allegation was made on the sidelines of the Occupy Jubilee House protest in 2023.
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