Staff of the Sustainability Department of AngloGold Ashanti (AGA) Obuasi Mine as well as Health and Education officials in Obuasi have inspected some of the ongoing projects being funded by AGA to improve the lives of the people in Obuasi and its environs.
Areas the team visited for the inspection were the Apitikoko CHPS Compound and Nurses Quarters, Dokyiwa/Binsere Health Centre, Obuasi Robotic Centre and the Obuasi Municipal and the Obuasi East Examination Printing Centres.
At Apitikoko, the site engineer, Mr. Richard Opoku Minkah, told the team that the CHPS Compound will be completed in July this year.

The project engineer supervising the Dokyiwa/Binsere Health Centre, Mr. Roland Boakye said work is going on smoothly and that the project will also be handed over by June.
At the Obuasi Robotic Centre being constructed at the Obuasi Senior High Technical School grounds, Mr. Godbless Densi Amankwah supervising the project said there has been some variations in the plan and for that matter the project cannot be completed in June as scheduled.
While Mr. Omane Solomon, site engineer for the Obuasi Municipal Examination Printing Centre said work is ninety five percent complete, Mr. Jonas Davoro, contractor for Bachor and Jonas Company in charge of the Obuasi East Examination Printing Centre said work is almost completed and will soon hand over the project.
Commenting on the inspection tour, Mrs. Mavis Nana Yaa Kyei, Social Development and Gender Superintendent of AGA, said it was so arranged for the team to know the state of the various projects and expressed satisfaction with the progress of work at all the project sites visited.

Touching on the Robotic Centre, Nana Yaa Kyei said science is the call of the day and added that it is prudent on the side of AGA to carry the people of Obuasi on the line of global waves with its construction.
She noted that the Robotic Centre will train the youth such that when they are done with school, they will be self sustained or self employed and not wait to be employed by anybody as they will be given life skills that cannot be taken away from them.
From Frederick Danso Abeam
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