Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, September 28, 2018 (ECA) – The Sixth Statistical Commission for Africa (StatCom-Africa-VI) begins in Addis Ababa Monday under the theme; Enhancing National Statistical System capacity to support policies for Africa’s economic diversification and industrialization.
African Centre for Statistics (ACS) Director at the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Mr. Oliver Chinganya, says the meeting will provide the African Statistical System with an opportunity to take stock of ongoing global initiatives and seek ways through which to mainstream ownership of new and/or updated methodologies to enhance Member State’s statistical capacities.
“Enhancing our national statistical system is crucial because our continent badly needs timely, accessible and reliable data,” says Mr. Chinganya.
“Reliable data is key to our progress as a continent because it can support Africa’s policies for economic diversification and industrialization. So the meeting is important as it helps us discuss issues around strengthening the capacity of Africa’s National Statistical System, especially in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals and Africa’s 2063 Development Agenda.”
Statcom, which is being hosted by the ECA and the African Development Bank (AfDB) and taking place from 1-4 October, 2018, will be preceded by the Thirteenth Africa Symposium on Statistical Development (ASSD) under the theme; Application of economic statistics and national accounts in support of sustainable development.
South Africa and Ethiopia will host the ASSD.
The Eighth Forum on African Statistical Development (FASDEV-VIII), which will be held under the theme: Innovative financial solutions to improve data quality and credibility to support Africa development agenda, and theFourth Regional Committee of the United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management for Africa (UNGGIM: Africa), will also take place at the same time.
UNGGIM: Africa will be held under the theme: Linking people to place: Statistical Geospatial Integration in support of the 2020 Round of Population and Housing Censuses and the Sustainable Development Agenda.
UN-GGIM: Africa will stress the role of geospatial information in the implementation and monitoring of the SDGs. The meeting will offer the African spatial statistical framework an opportunity to consolidate consensus and political will on how to mainstream geospatial technology into the work of national statistical offices, including through training and data process.
Participants will be drawn from member States’ National Statistics Offices, National Mapping Agencies, sub-regional, regional, international and inter-governmental organizations, NGOs, academia, research institutions and the private sector.
The meetings start Monday at the United Nations Conference Center (UNCC) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Issued by:
Communications Section
Economic Commission for Africa