The Director-General of the Ghana Health Service says the observation of the safety protocols and the vaccination exercise initiated by government has helped limit the spread of Covid-19 in the country.
This according to Dr Patrick Kuma-Aboagye is because the number of Ghanaians taking the safety protocols seriously, went up to 52% when the vaccination started.
Speaking at a press briefing, Sunday, the GHS Director-General explained that because it takes two to three weeks for the body to build up antibodies after vaccination, the vaccines seem to have aided in reducing spread at a later time.
This has resulted in a significant drop in active cases since mid-February from over 8000 cases to less than 1,500.
“So it is both the protocols and now we can say that the vaccine is also playing a major role in preventing the spread of the virus. One can say that any spike that happens after now cannot be blamed on Easter, which means that the protocols put in place in Easter have also worked.”
“This is because the two weeks (mark) have passed but we need to continue to protect ourselves. This tells you how important adhering to the discipline in all these festivities is to avert any spread of the disease.”
Dr Kuma-Aboagye said that as of April 15, 2021, the number of new cases and active cases reported nationwide were 46 and 1,334 respectively.
The country’s cumulated confirmed cases are 91,709 and out of that 89,604 are said to have been discharged from various health facilities after showing signs of recovery.
Unfortunately, eight more Ghanaians have succumbed to the Covid-19 pandemic leaving the death toll at 771.
He, however, stated that Covid-19 may not disappear completely as many are hoping.
But, Dr Kuma-Aboagye said he believes with vaccination it can be dealt with to ensure people do not die from the virus.
“The Spanish flu came in 1918, I think it is still with us but we are able to manage and I think that is what is likely to happen,” he added.
He stated that over 800,000 people have been vaccinated so far in Ghana adding that government is making an effort to ensure citizens are protected.
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