As a radio presenter, you sit most of the time at work and talk to the microphone – which means you need to sit in a good posture. While most workplaces strive to create ergonomically sound desks, you can still be asked for your input when purchasing a desk and chair. With a poor chair, you will not only feel uncomfortable but also ever tired at work. In severe cases, poor ergonomics can result in physical back injuries.
No matter how the radio station designs the desk and workplace ergonomics, it is up to you as a presenter to ensure that you are using good ergonomics at your workstation. Note that, even when you have the fanciest chair and desk in the world, you will still not get help if you slouch when you sit.

Below are ten simple points to consider to enhance ergonomics at the workplace:
Choose a Desk Allows a Good Posture
Besides sitting and talking into a mic, you might be using your computer. A good desk should allow you to reach the keys of your computer without bending forward. You need to establish a good working posture whenever you sit at your desk. A neutral position with your back straight and relaxed means no bending in stressful angles or excessively reaching out to your computer to perform tasks.
With the right posture, your hands, wrists, and forearms should be straight, inline, and parallel to the floor. Your head faces forward with no twists to the right or left. If you stand a lot during a radio show or you have a standing working station, you need to stand straight with the arms and wrists in a neutral position.
Choose Adjustable Chairs and Desks
A radio presenter needs to stay in an ergonomic position. However, because most organizations cannot buy new desks for each employee who comes in, adjustable desks and chairs are ideal. Chairs and desks that adjust to different positions can be tailored to meet the needs of the radio presenter. With ergonomics, no size can fit everyone. Most professional carpenters can create desks with extreme precision to make sure they are adjustable to the needs of all employees.
Choose The Right Height
When you sit with your back straight, the screen of your computer should be at eye level, mic should be at the same level with your mouth (the mic is easier to adjust), and computer accessories such as mouse should be at a level where you can reach them with your hands parallel to the ground. With the right posture, your head should not turn down, up, left, or right to view a display. As a presenter, you will be reading messages from your listeners, ensure that the desk elevates the monitor/screen that you do not have to move your head.
Buy a Desk that is Not Restrictive
It is good to sit in a neutral position when you are working. However, you need to avoid repetitive movements. Repeating the same motions over and over might cause stress and eventually cause injury.
You need to change tasks when you sit in a straight and relaxed position. You also need to take bathroom breaks as the show is going on. If you cannot change tasks or take a break, change the neutral position in which you are sitting. You can recline the seat a little, for instance. By changing the sitting angle, you change the musculature used for a task.
Simple Workplace Routines to Enhance Your Posture
Like earlier mentioned, an ergonomically designed desk does not guarantee good posture. It is how you sit and what you do while at the workplace that determines how your back feels after work. To ensure your back stays in good shape, adopt a few tips as discussed below:
Stand Up and Take Breaks
Standing up and walking around while at work is the most important tip. Every hour, you should take a few minutes break, walk to the washrooms, or walk down the halls as the music plays.
Enhance the Overall Comfort Of your Working Environment
No one remembers that the working environment influences ergonomics. Your work environment should have enough lighting, humidity, and temperature, and be well ventilated among other essentials.
Workspace lighting should not produce a glare on the computer screen which means that softer lights are the best for workspaces. If you can all agree on the temperature setting in your office, maintain that temperature for the comfort of everyone.
Look Around
You should not just sit on your desk and watch your computer or face the mic the whole presentation session. To prevent eye fatigue and reduce stress on the eyes, you should look in a different direction. You can look at the clock, a tree outside through the window, or anything else that takes your eyes off the computer. You should focus on near and distant objects to make the eyes adjust the muscles accordingly.
Get Ergonomic Accessories
Simple accessories such as footrests, headsets, ball, and document holders make your work easier. With these accessories, even when you do not have an ergonomic seat or desk, you will still feel comfortable. Shorter individuals can benefit from a footrest while taller individuals can benefit from a headrest.
Because you will talk on the phone most of the time, you need an ergonomic headset. Any other accessory that makes your work comfortable should be included in the list.
While ergonomically designed desks and workstations are ideal for your back health and comfort at work, it is the way you sit and what you do at work that matters a lot. Even when you do not have an ergonomically designed chair or desk, you can still maintain ergonomic routines such as taking breaks and sitting straight to keep your back safe. If you are not sure of the ergonomic seat or desk to buy, go for an adjustable set. Again, if you have an old desk and chair, buy some woodworking tools (https://www.bestcabinettablesaw.com/) and make one make it easier for you to do your work. The wrong posture will cause damages to your back.
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