The Most Rev. Johnson Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu (M) with other Ministers of the Church unveiling the 190th anniversary logo
The Methodist Church Ghana has officially launched its 190th anniversary celebration marking God’s presence in spreading the gospel as well as contributing to the socio-economic development of the country.
Officials of the church including the Superintendent Minister of the Dzorwulu Circuit, Rt. Rev. Samuel Kofi Osabutey, among other Ministers joined the Presiding Bishop of the church, The Most Rev. Prof. Johnson Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu to unveil the anniversary logo amid sounds of melodies and fanfare from the Church’s brigade.
Among the activities outlined for the commemoration of the anniversary which begins January 2025, are tree planting exercise in all diocese, anniversary lecture, an interdiocessan quiz competition, a diocesan feast for members, and homecoming celebration for members of the church in the Diaspora.
The anniversary would be climaxed with a musical concert and a Thanksgiving Service in all societies of the church in August, 2025.
Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana, The Most Rev. Prof. Johnson Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu in a sermon titled ‘Covenant’ from John chapter 15 and Genesis 12 asked Christians to renew their relationship with God as an important element at the beginning of the year.
He said Jesus is the arc that restores and provides victory to man which symbolise blessings of an outflow of the relationship Christians have with God.
The Presiding Bishop also urged Christians to be obedient to the word of God that redeems and protect mankind with illustrations from scriptures of people who were obedient to the word of God as a result of their covenant with God.
“Every covenant has responsibilities, God expects man to have genuine repentance, to be obedient, attend to the things of God with fear and bear God’s identity bearing fruit,” he added.
He said the church which was established several decades ago has not only transformed the lives of the people with the word of God but has also impacted society through education, health care among others in diverse ways.
According to him, the church will also use the occasion to reflect on their performances over the years as well as work in other areas where they could improve their performances in future.
“We don’t always want to dwell on the past. The past is important, but the past must guide us into making decisions going forward,” he added.
“So we will consider strengthening our presence in education, in health care, in other social services, and make sure that as we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and make salvation for souls,” he stated.
By Ebenezer K. Amponsah
The post Methodist Church Launches 190th Anniversary appeared first on DailyGuide Network.
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