Last Wednesday December 13, 2023, friends organized a remembrance service for him. I made it a point to attend. He was a man who gave so much to our country, and touched many lives, including mine.
This weekend, this man, who served this country unconditionally, gave his all, his entire life and made unimaginable impact, would be buried.
Akoto Ampaw was no ordinary person. But he lived a simple life, while he made extra-ordinary contributions in every way he possibly could into people’s lives and to the country.
Definitely one of Ghana’s most outstanding legal experts, his unassailable commitment to human rights and freedoms, justice, and rule of law made him to take sides with truth, no matter who is involved.
Even though he came to greater prominence when he stood as President Akufo-Addo’s lawyer in the 2020 election dispute, Ampaw, known by many who knew him closely as Sheey Sheey, (pronounced Shay Shay) has long established himself as a rock-solid human rights advocate across Africa.
His commitment to democratic principles and justice, also made him a friend of journalists. My profession as a journalist, gave me the honour of getting to know Sheey Sheey very closely.
In 2010. Barely two years after I had started running Ghana Business News. The site became attractive worldwide and drew networks and sources who showed keen interest in what we were doing and shared information with us.
One time a source from across the world shared a report with us. This was an intelligence report containing sensitive information. The information was about a group of Nigerians engaging in alleged criminal activities. Some of the activities included money laundering.
Trusting this source, we published the information contained in the intelligence report. Some months later, we received a legal notice from the lawyers of the leading character in the story – a Nigerian politician. While we were considering a response to the legal notice from the New York based lawyer, asking us to retract and apologise, the politician sent someone from London to speak to us. He thought we were one of those blogging sites that are used to publish all kinds of stuff about people. But on meeting with his emissary and following telephone conversations with him, he came to the conclusion as I made him understand that we were just doing our work, and we trusted our source.
But before meeting the emissary, I put a call through to Sheey Sheey to let him know of the development. He took time to look at the report, then he called back and said: “Emmanuel. This is an interesting report. But you can’t meet this guy alone. You must go with someone and meet at a public space. So I will come with you.”
I then informed the emissary that I was coming with my lawyer. And that lawyer was no other than Sheey Sheey.
That was how Sheey Sheey stepped up for me. He joined me and the emissary in the restaurant at the press centre to discuss the matter.
On his advice, I agreed with the emissary to let his boss know, we are giving ourselves three days. In these three days we would get examinable documentary evidence from our source that would stand in court, so we can defend our case in court. If however, our source is unable to provide us with the documentary evidence to defend our journalism and public interest position in court, we would retract and apologise.
The three days came. Unfortunately, our source failed to provide the evidence. We took down the report, retracted, apologised, and published a rejoinder from the subject’s lawyers, and the matter ended.
The subject later called to thank me for my professionalism.
Since then, my admiration for Sheey Sheey knew no bounds. Subsequently, he served as legal editor for a number of investigative reports that we did under some projects – and he did all these pro bono.
Then I had another privilege to work with him on reviewing the Ghana statute on defamation under preparation.
Knowing the Late Akoto Ampaw, is for me, one of the most valuable periods of my life, and the seeds he has sown would continue to blossom in his memory.
May this Colossus, rest in glorious peace.
By Emmanuel K Dogbevi
Copyright ©2023 by NewsBridge Africa
All rights reserved. This article or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in reviews.
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