The Good-Evening Ghana show on Metro-TV, which is hosted by Paul Adom-Otchere, was a very educative programme. However, lately, the gentleman is turning the show into launching personal attacks on some personalities, instead of politely expressing his counter opinions to what these personalities have said or done.
The other day, he rudely attacked the IGP Dr. Dampare for shedding a tear at a public hearing. Going to the extent of suggesting that the IGP should lose his job, could suggest that he wanted that position, for some close friend or relative of his.
It was that bad, because Dr Dampare, who only came to find out that some of his very close colleagues, he had all along considered as blood brothers and did a lot for them, giving them his full support at all times, rather turned out to be Judas and Brutus combined, who seriously wanted his downfall; and instead of sympathising with the Police Chief, Paul Adom-Otchere descended on him, and reduced him to a disloyal servant of H.E. President Akufo-Addo.
Dr. Dampare showed his human side and must be applauded and sympathised for that. Here is an IGP who is succeeding in bringing out the true face of the Police as friends of the public; an IGP who would readily offer his raincoat for a police officer directing traffic in the rain; an IGP who would obey traffic rules and maintain his lane in heavy traffic, if he had no urgent engagement on hand; an IGP who would step out of his car and go and buy roasted plantain and groundnuts; an IGP who is introducing the Police to pupils and students in schools. An IGP who is a simple human and want to be seen as such. And as a human, he will shed tears when the occasion arose.
But Paul Adom-Otchere would have none of these, because he prefers a hot-headed, fire-brand, no nonsense, rude dictator with all qualities of a tyrant as IGP. Paul Adom-Otchere might not have shed a tear before in his life. I will suggest that whenever he suddenly finds some warm liquid dripping from his eyes and flowing down his cheeks, he should quickly call Dr. Dampare and he will be taught how to cry.
Last week, Paul Adom Otchere hit social-media again and this time with attacks on the Special Persecutor, Mr. KissiAgyabeng. Paul’s mode of attacks underlined his dislike for the lawyer and made it clear that he hates him and given the chance he would have him removed from the Office of the Special Persecutor.
Persistently calling Mr Kissi Agyabeng, a “forty-three-year-old BOY,” is an uncalled for, rude attack on the personality of the SP. In case Paul is not aware, a child is anyone under the age of eighteen and called boy or girl and an adult begins from eighteen and called man or woman. Paul should be educated.
So, for him to call Mr Kissi Agyabeng a boy, implied that Paul Adom-Otchere is suggesting that our Special Persecutor is acting immaturely or irresponsibly. Paul’s criticism, implied that Mr Kissi Agyabeng needs to grow up or take more responsibility for his actions.
And by the way, what have the official fleet of cars have to do with what Mr. Kissi Agyabeng was complaining about? Paul Adom-Otchere is only trying to tell Ghanaians that when the state gives you armoured cars, you should have no problems in delivering your job. Come of it! Is this right-minded thinking?
I will like to state clearly here that, to me, the persecution of Madam Cecilia Dapaah, who lost millions of cash in her possession, in not an ideal thing. So far as I am concern, there is no law which stipulates the maximum amount of money one can keep on himself or herself in the home or office. So, Cecilia Dapaah has violated no law.
Mr. Kissi Agyabeng only came to publicly express his challenges in his line of duty. Challenges by way of the courts placing obstacles in his way to halt his mandated role as special persecutor.
And this is where Paul Adom-Otchere finds faults. Instead of taking this opportunity to calmly educate all of us, including Mr. Kissi Agyabeng, on the independence of the judiciary, Paul had gone ahead to confirm what anti-government agents and people have been saying and that is the judiciary are in the pockets of government.
Crying out loud like a spoilt child, Paul should have known that he has a case to answer. And it is about the Christmas tree saga of 2021. According to him, out of the cost of GH¢128,366.00 his Ghana Airport Company Limited (GACL) spent on Christmas decorations that year, a sponsor, DDP paid GH¢50,000.00, meaning GACL spent GH¢78,366.00.
However, investigations by the sector ministry, Ministry of Transport, came that no procurement or bidding process were made in acquiring the Christman trees and decorations and that the Christmas tress were rented.Rented at what cost?
Is Paul Adom-Otchere not a sure candidate to face Mr Kissi Agyabeng, one day, to answer valid questions? Is Paul’s unjustifiable attacks on the Special Persecutor, a way of preparing the minds of Ghanaians, that should he be called by the OSP, it should be interpreted as Mr Kissi Agyabeng using his office to unprofessionally settle personal scores? Paul should grow up!
Hon Daniel Dugan
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect The Chronicle’s stance.
The post Paul Adom-Otchere, Please A Little Decency Will Do appeared first on The Chronicle News Online.
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