Jonas Awini, an unemployed resident of Sakumono Railways, has been arraigned before the Circuit Court in Accra, presided over by Judge Susana Edufu, on charges of unlawful entry and stealing. Awini pleaded not guilty to both counts during his initial appearance.
He has been granted bail in the sum of GH¢50,000 with two sureties, who must be public servants earning not less than GH¢3,000 per month. The case has been adjourned to February 5, 2025 for further proceedings.
The prosecution, led by Chief Inspector Josephine Lamptey, on behalf of Inspector Mina Kwafo, detailed the facts of the case.
According to the prosecution, the incident occurred in broad daylight. At about 3pm on January 3, 2025 a witness, Moro Baba, noticed someone throwing metal items over the complainant’s fence, while dining at a nearby restaurant. Suspicious, the witness hid behind a container near the fence to observe the situation.
Shortly afterward, Baba reportedly saw the accused scaling the fence from inside the compound to the outside.
Acting swiftly, the witness apprehended Awini and raised an alarm, drawing the attention of neighbors who assisted in detaining the suspect.
The complainant was contacted and subsequently arrived at the scene, after which Awini was handed over to the police, along with the recovered items.
During police investigations, the accused allegedly admitted to the offense in his caution statement.
Awini has been charged with unlawful entry and stealing and now awaits further court hearings. If found guilty, he could face penalties, as prescribed under the Criminal Offences Act.
The court has urged both parties to prepare for the next hearing on February 5, 2025 as the judicial process unfolds.
The post Unemployed charged with unlawful entry, stealing appeared first on The Ghanaian Chronicle.
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